Monday, September 22, 2008

I Love to Love...

Diablo Cody, for telling all of her haters to kiss her big fat Oscar (with fake name engraving and all).

Speaking of Juno, I also love to love Michael Cera, as well as Kat Dennings (whose very charming blog you can read here), Both of whom are starring in Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (!) I hope it's good. And even if it's not, I will still have the soundtrack to look forward to, which comes out tomorrow (!) and includes a new Vampire Weekend song that sounds like nothing new, but at least is consistent with their debut stuff, which, I loved.

Mariah, for returning to the big screen in a movie that's not about rainbows, butterflies, or glitter. I trust it will be bad, but in a semi-good way, you know? Oh, and she's supposedly making a movie-musical based on her Christmas album. Um, YES please.

And last but not least, I love to love Dolly Parton, simply for being Dolly Parton. ♥

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